Finnurmi® turf rolls need to be laid within 1-3 days of harvesting depending on the prevailing weather. The lawn base on which turf rolls are laid needs to be 100-200mm thick. A suitable base is achieved by applying fertilizers and adding a mix ture of sand and humus. lt is extremely important to water the turf mat thoroughly during the first few weeks after installation.

Prepare the lawn base with care before installing the turf rolls. A nutritious and well-prepared base gives you a thriving and lasting lawn. The best base for turf rolls is black soil mixed with sand. As clay has low water permeability, it is advisable to add a 5-10cm layer of coarse sand. Sandy soil, in contrast, allows water to pass too quickly. To prevent it, mix in nutritious soil or peat. lf there are any structures in the area to be covered, the ground should have a pitch of 1-3cm away from the walls over a distance of three meters. We have prepared a set of clear instructions that make it easy for you to prepare the base and care for the lawn to provide pleasure for decades to come. After installation, the turf rolls should be tended to just like a seeded lawn.
1. Level the ground to its final shape.
- Remove, till or turn any existing lawn.
- Fill any pits and holes to provide as level a base as possible.
2. Add soil improvers.
- When preparing a new lawn base, add a 15-20cm layer of (compacted) nutritious black soil intended for green construc tion.
- Mix black soil, peat or sand into the turned/tilled earth to provide a healthy (compacted) lawn base with a thickness of 15- 20cm.
3. Application of fertilizers
- Mix fertilizers and lime into the soil.
- lf left on top of the lawn base, they may burn and damage the roots of the turf.
- Add the fertilizers and lime in accordance with the instructions provided on the package.
- For more details, visit the websites of garden centers and suppliers.
4. Levelling and rolling
- The lawn base must not be too soft. Only a faint shoe print should be left when you walk across the surface.
- To level and roll the surface, use a concrete well chamber, water barrel or an iron shovel or rake in smaller areas.
- Clear the area of branches, twigs and stones prior to rolling out the new turf mat.
5. Water the lawn base thoroughly.
- lf possible, water the ground the night before application.
6. Use a bricklaying pattern when laying the turf grass rolls. Do not leave any gaps between the rolls.
- Roll the lawn lightly after installation and water it thoroughly.
- The turf mat and the soil underneath must get wet.
8. Ensure sufficient watering while the lawn is rooting.
- Both the turf mat and lawn base must remain moist during the 2-3 week rooting period.
- Ensure adequate watering by checking the bottom of the turf mat. The underside needs to be completely wet.
9. The lawn can be mowed as soon as needed.
- Do not allow the lawn to grow longer than 10cm.
- c:e,recommended height for mowing is 4-5cm. Never cut more than one-third of the height of the grass at once.
1. Prepare the lawn base.
- Mow the existing lawn as short as possible.
- Spread a layer of soil on top of it to level any rough patches.
- Apply a 2-5cm layer. To fill pits, use as much soil as required to level the surface.
2. Application of fertilizers
- Mix fertilizers and lime into the soil.
- If left on top of the lawn base, they may burn and damage the roots of the turf mat.
- Add the fertilizers and lime in accordance with the instructions provided on the package.
- For more details, visit the websites of garden centers and suppliers.
3. Levelling and rolling
- The lawn base must not too soft. Only a faint shoe print should be left when you walk across the surface.
- To level and roll the surface, use a concrete well chamber, water barrel or an iron shovel or rake in smaller areas.
- Clear the area of branches, twigs and stones prior to rolling out the new turf mat.
4. Water the lawn base thoroughly.
- lf possible, water it the night before.
5. Use a bricklaying pattern when laying the turf rolls. Do not leave any gaps between the rolls.
- Roll the lawn lightly after installation and water it thoroughly.
- The turf mat and the underlying soil must be wetted from the water that soaks through the top layer.
7. Ensure sufficient watering while the lawn is rooting.
- Both the turf mat and lawn base must remain moist during the 2-3 week rooting period.
8. The lawn can be mowed as soon as needed.
- Do not allow the lawn to grow longer than 10cm.
- The recommended height for mowing is 4-5cm. Never cut more than one-third of the height of the grass at once.
1. Watering
- Freshly laid turf rolls need to be watered as required by the weather.
- During hot and sunny periods, water the lawn daily.
- When overcast, water the lawn using plenty of water 2-4 times per week.
- After the approximately 3-week rooting period, water the lawn normally according to weather conditions.
- lt is advisable to carry out watering in the evening or night, when evaporation is less intense.
2. Mowing
- After installation, the lawn may be mowed as soon as needed.
- Mow the lawn 1-2 times per week according to growth.
3. Application of fertilizers
- Apply fertilizers 3-4 times per growing season or as suggested by a soil fertility analysis of the underlying soil.
4. The grass is ready for use immediately after installation
- Avoid intense use during rooting.
Instructions for future care
lf the lawn shows signs of drying up during a long dry spell, water it when necessary. Water the lawn once using plenty of water. lt is advisable to carry out watering in the evening or night when evaporation is less intense and there is enough time for the water to be absorbed into the grass and soil.
Application of fertilizers
Determine the amount of fertilizers according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Application of fertilizers Point in time Fertilizer.
Spring fertilization After raking Spring fertilization of garden/lawn
- Summer fertilization Mid-June Summer fertilizer* for garden/lawn
- Summer fertilization End of July Summer fertilizer for garden/lawn Autumn fertilization Early September Puutarhan PK
*Alternatively, use Nurmikon kestolannoite (slow release fertilizer). lf so, no 2nd summer fertilization is needed.
The more often you mow your lawn, the more it thrives. Never cut more than one third of the height of the grass. For ex ample, if the preferred length of the grass is 5 cm, it should be mowed when it reaches the height of 7-8cm. ln practice, it means that you need to mow it once a week. The shorter you wish to keep your lawn, the more often you need to mow and water it. lt is advisable to rake the lawn 1-2 times during the growing season to remove grass cuttings, especially if the cuttings left by the mower are very coarse or if the lawn is allowed to grow long, which increases the amount of cuttings.
Lawn care in spring
The first job in the spring is to rake the lawn to remove the grass burnt during the winter. Rake the lawn as soon as its sur face is hard enough to support your weight. lf the turf rolls were laid late during the previous autumn, rake the surface with due care so as not to disturb yet unrooted turf.
Lawn care in summer
Mow the lawn frequently, water it often and according to weather conditions and ensure timely application of fertilizers. You can air the lawn by carefully making holes or cuts in it using a pitchfork or a tool specifically designed for this purpose. Airing helps oxygen, water and nutrients to reach the roots and soil more effectively. Additionally, airing removes moss and makes the soil more porous.
Lawn care in autumn
Cut the lawn to its regular height before the winter. Remove the cuttings by raking.
Other things to consider
A turf roll is a living plant. Mycocelial filaments may be present in the base or soil. Fungi are harmless to people and pets. Turf rolls require large amounts of water during rooting when fungi are more likely to occur. They are also more common in rainy periods.
Use the calculator to see the price of our turf rolls including delivery to the installation site. lf the site is a special area, located far from population centers, hard to access or the rolls need to be unloaded using a truck-mounted crane, the price is determined on a case-by-case basis. Up to a maximum of 10 pallets, the cargo is unloaded using a tailgate lifter and the pallets left at a location accessible by an articulated lorry. Deliveries containing more than 10 pallets require on-site unload ing equipment such as a forklift truck. OR ORDER FROM THE FINNURMI LAWN SHOP

Finnurmi® has a comprehensive network of retailers throughout Finland. Click here / the map on this page to find your nearest retailer.
AII prices are subject to change without prior notice.
On receipt of your order, our sales department will contact you to agree on the exact date and time of delivery/pick-up.
Finnurmi® turf roll lawns
The cultivation of Finnurmi® turf rolls started on the grounds of the Järvikylä Manor in Joroinen in 1979. Another growing site beside Järvikylä is located in Pickala, Siuntio.
Finnurmi® makes use of grass species best suited for Finnish conditions and capable of withstanding the changing sea
sons. The species are selected with great care.
Finnurmi® turf rolls are not harvested until we receive your order, which ensures that the turf is in an ideal condition for laying. With the turf, we harvest the nourishing base peat which makes it possible to lay Finnurmi® turf rolls even in less favorable locations.
Thickness of Finnurmi® turf: 4cm
Thickness of the raot layer of Finnurmi® turf: 2.5cm Each Finnurmi® roll contains 1m2 of lawn
Size of Finnurmi® turf mat: 58x173cm Diameter of Finnurmi® roll: 30cm Weight of Finnurmi® roll: approx. 20 kg
Size of Finnurmi® pallet: 120x120cm Height of Finnurmi® pallet: 120cm
Weight af Finnurmi® pallet: 1000kg
Amount af lawn per Finnurmi® pallet: 50-54m2
Please note that the turf rolls are free-standing on pallets (120*120cm). They are not held in place or wrapped in netting.
Finnurmi Oy Kartanotie 6 Järvikylä, 79600 Joroinen
010 5242 660 Järvikylä and Pickala, Siuntio)
Mon-Fri 8-16
Send your request using the contact form or e-mail ta myynti@finnurmi.fi We will reply to you as soon as possible.
ABC service station: Rannikkotie 31, 02580 Siuntio
Pick-up point 1: Rannikkotie 33
Pick-up point 2: Rannikkotie 32
Pick-up point 3: Störsvikintie 40
Pick-up point 4: Itäinen Kuninkaantie 42
Pick-up point 5: Marsuddenintie 41
Please note that the pick-up points do not sell the products directly. AII orders are processed by our Sales Services.
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